Clearwave Fiber
Network Status

Current Outages
No current outages
Recent service disruptions in Lawrence, KS

We have identified that these service disruptions are caused by issues with the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in our equipment that services the Lawrence area. We are thoroughly examining each component of the system to pinpoint the root cause. We have already enacted some measures for short-term resolution, including replacing various parts of the equipment that may be contributing to the problem, reducing heat generation around the system, and increasing the cooling capacity surrounding the system.

Additionally, we do have a plan in place to upgrade the equipment. Until the situation is fully stabilized, our crews in the area will be on alert to ensure rapid response.

We are committed to resolving this matter as quickly as possible and will keep you informed of our progress. Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve the issue.

